This series was developed with frames & wooden supports that were collected over decades
salvaging general materials for art & studio.
After visiting art museums along Australias' east coast I was most inspired by the modernist painter Grace Crowley (1890-1979). So using high quality primers and acrylic paint i took a deep dive into my unsuspecting subconscious as she seemed to have done during the middle of last century.
The 1950s was the pre television era of what i would consider peak paint. Artist using the medium were enjoying unprecedented aesthetic freedom - unshackled from realism by the earlier pioneers of expressionism and particularly the radical arc of Pablo Picassos' body of work.
This visual improv was mirrored in the refined anarchy of the Jazz music scene by contemporaries such as Miles Davis.
The shapescapes i have composed are colourfully uncomfortable scores that screech and flow like random dreams drifting through paint and wood.
Si Shepheard
Acrylic on wood, 90cm x 70cm NZ$900
Acrylic on textured hardboard, 95cm x 75cm Sold
Acrylic on wood, 77cm x 67cm NZ$900
Acrylic on wood, 81cm x 98cm NZ$900
Acrylic on wood, 130cm x 88cm NZ$900
Acrylic on wood, 79cm x 57cm NZ$900
Acrylic on wood, 106cm x 84cm NZ$900
Enamels on wood, 87cm x 67cm NZ$900
Acrylic on wood, 69cm x 116cm NZ$900
Acrylic on wood, 90cm x 65cm NZ$900
Acrylic on wood, 94cm x 70cm NZ$900
Acrylic on wood, 82cm x 57cm NZ$900
Enamel on wood, 90cm x 65cm $900
Acrylic on wood, 76cm x 76cmNZ$900
Acrylic on wood, 78cm x 111cm NZ$900